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Millwood Farmers Market
Application for 2025 SELLERS

Application will be OPEN from
March 9th until Wednesday April 16th, 2025

MANDATORY vendor meeting on
Wednesday May 21, 2025 at 2:30 p.m.

Thank you for your interest in vending with the Millwood Farmers Market for the 2025 market season. Please complete the form below as the first step to your application. Our rules and regulations are included. Our non-refundable 2025 application fee is $25. After acceptance, you will be invoiced through Square for your application fee.

The 2025 season is 20 weeks. We are located at Millwood City Park every Wednesday beginning May 28th. We host several special events throughout the season. You can find out more about those on the “Special Events” page, the “Millwood Daze” page, and the “Winterfest” page.


**All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
**After acceptance, you will be invoiced for your application fee

2025 Fees:

$25 Application Fee

The daily market fee is $25.00 per stall space per week.

ALL pre-Payments, Deposits, Full-season or Half-season rate(s) must be paid in full by May 7th. 

Returning vendors are eligible for weekly payments, as needed, with processing fee.

All FARM applications will be charged based on their daily or seasonal sales.

Farm vendors with gross sales under $5000 per season or $250 daily will be charged a lesser rate than farm vendors with gross sales over $5000 per season or $250 daily.

Fruit, vegetable, and edible plant FARM:

Full Season Under $5000/$250 in sales at $10/week is $200 paid by May 7
Full Season Over $5000/$250 in sales at $15/week is $300 paid by May 7
Half Season (less than 10 days) and Under $5000/$250 in sales at $10/week is $100 paid by May 7
Half Season (less than 10 days) and Over $5000/$250 in sales at $15/week is $150 paid by May 7

All other FARM:

Full Season Under $5000/$250 in sales at $12/week is $240 paid by May 7
Full Season Over $5000/$250 in sales at $15/week is $300 paid by May 7
Half Season (less than 10 days) and Under $5000/$250 in sales at $12/week is $120 paid by May 7
Half Season (less than 10 days) and Over $5000/$250 in sales at $15/week is $150 paid by May 7

All Other Vendors (Processor, Artisan, and Food Vendor):

Full Season at $15/week is $300 paid by May 7
Half Season (less than 10 days) at $15/week is $150 paid by May 7


Daily Market Rate 2025:

Daily Market rate at $25/week paid in advance of attendance.

    Please read and review the market rules and regulations. By completing this application form and submitting, you agree to all the terms and conditions included below.

    *If a customer contacts us regarding your business and would like to get in touch with you, what contact information may we share with them?

    *The market rules are in place to ensure that the community receives the highest quality products grown or produced by local area farmers and artisans and to set the operating guidelines and standards for market activities. 

    *The vendor is responsible for compliance with all applicable State, Federal and Local regulations governing the growing, production and marketing of the goods. Any required licenses and permits are to be turned in as part of the application. Please ensure that the city of Millwood is added to your Washington State business license.

    *Products and Approval Process: All products sold are subject to approval by the market committee and governing board; no changes are allowed without prior approval. Pictures, flyers or other examples may be needed and will be requested as needed. All products sold must be produce in Washington state with priority given to Millwood producers first, then Spokane county, and then Washington. Furthermore, the market maintains a majority of its gross sales from farm products, which may mean limiting the number of prepared food and craft vendors on any given week. Vendors will be approved based on the market rules and goals, making sure we have a diverse and quality line up of products and crafts.

    Tell us what you want to sell at the farmers market.

    Please be specific, all updates and changes need to be pre-approved before selling the at the market.

    *Pricing of goods is up to the vendor but pricing below cost, resulting in the undercutting of other vendors is not allowed. In keeping with the market’s mission, we do ask vendors to keep affordability in mind. Pricing complaints or questions will be subject to board review.
    *EBT/Credit/Debit/Market Tokens:  Millwood Farmers Market participates in the USDA food stamp (EBT cards) program, and also accepts credit cards and debit cards.  A token system utilizing $1 and $5 tokens valid only at Millwood Farmers Market is utilized.  The market will also offer incentive programs (i.e. Fresh Bucks, Market Match, KERNEL bucks, or other programs as developed) in order to increase vendor sales as well as assist our community with fresh food access.  All vendors must accept market tokens, but not all tokens. All vendors will be required to review the market token policy with the market manager before attending market. Several times will be available prior to the start of the market season.

    *Sales totals are required to be reported on forms provided at each market. Sales must be reported for each vendor category separately on your sales form.

    *Conduct: Vendors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. Vulgar, aggressive or inappropriate language is prohibited. A reasonable dress code is expected.  No smoking or alcohol are allowed on the market site. Any customer or vendor grievances should be brought to the on- site market manager and if necessary, they will be brought to the governing board for resolution.

    *Customer Complaints: Customers who have a legitimate complaint about the quality of a product should be given a full refund or replacement by the vendor when requested.

    **The Millwood Farmers Market runs every Wednesday from 3:00 to 7:00 PM beginning May 28, 2024, to October 8, 2024. 

    *Vendors may start setting up at 1:00 p.m.  Vendors should be in place and ready for the market by 2:45 pm and the stall shall remain intact including products and signs until closing time at 7:00 pm, unless first getting approval from the market manager.

    *Consistency is an important factor to building customer loyalty. Regular attendance is expected by all vendors.

    *Cancellation Policy: Success as a market hinge on the consistency of vendors attending each week.  Notification of a cancellation is respectfully requested by 12:00 pm, NOON, MONDAY of the same week.  Multiple occurrences of cancellation may be grounds for removal from participation in the market. 

    *Inclement Weather:  The Millwood Farmers Market is open rain or snow. In the rare event that the market will be closed, you will be notified via text message or phone. The market will be cancelled only at the discretion of the market manager.  In the case of inclement weather, the market manager will contact vendors to notify them of market status.  It is the goal for the market to operate weekly throughout the season, weather or conditions permitting.

    Please mark all dates you are planning or would like to attend:

    *The daily market fee is $25.00 per stall space per week. The 2025 season is 20 weeks.

    *All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.  No refund of fees will be given when a vendor is removed due to a rule violation.

    Stall Space: The estimated space for each vendor is 10x10.   No heat is provided, and all booths must provide their own tables/equipment and commit to operating during the entire event from 2:45PM to 7PM.  Vendors may have tents/canopy and tables. Stalls shall be identified with a sign bearing the farm or vendor’s name. Stalls shall be kept clean and orderly during market times and shall be cleaned prior to vacating the market. No stakes in the grass are allowed to be used for tent/canopy anchors. All vendors who wish to erect canopies (including umbrellas) on the Farmers Market site are required to have their canopies sufficiently and safely anchored to the ground from the time their canopy is put up to the time it is taken down. Any vendor who fails to properly anchor his or her canopy will not be allowed to sell at the Farmers Market on that market day, unless that vendor chooses to take down and stow their canopy and sell without it. Each canopy leg must have no less than 24 pounds anchoring each leg, and market umbrellas at least 50 pounds.  

    © 2024 Copyright Millwood Community Association